Sunday, September 19, 2010

K-12 School Funding

Qualified Zone Academy Bonds
Enacted with the Tax Payer Relief Act of 1997. Qualifying public schools located in empowerment zones receive low or zero interest loans. Writing Grant Proposals
Outlines the basics for writing a grant, from preparing the proposal to all the proposal elements, with step-by-step instructions and guiding questions.

School Funding Equity
Offers an overview of the causes and impact of disparities in public school funding. Articles, information, and links provided.

SchoolFunding Equity Mischief
Offers opinions about school funding and efficient use of tax money.

Web Directory: SchoolGrants
Provides federal, state, and foundation funding links for K-12 schools. Includes grant writing tips.
Free matchmaking service where school teachers request materials and supplies while potential donors search for a teacher in need of their gifts of money, or new and used goods.

U.S. Department of Education
Funding Opportunities. Lists available grants and application information.