Saturday, August 21, 2010

Technology Funding Programs and Organizations For K12

Per Scholas
Acquires personal computers and related equipment from corporations, reconditions them, and sells them to schools.

The FCC's informal education page regarding policy and education initiatives.

Computers 4 Kids
Nonprofit educational initiative supplying computers to schools and organizations; donate, volunteer, or apply for a grant.

Computers for Schools & Libraries Manitoba
Donated computers are recycled and refurbished for distribution to schools and libraries.

Louisiana Challenge Grant
Designed to heighten student achievement by making advanced technology available for both school and community activities.

Computers for Youth
Places computers into the homes of inner-city children and provides them and their families with training, technical support, online mentoring, and a community web site.

Computers For School
Provides new computers and software to inner city schools to improve education through technology.

Educational Technology and Conservation Exchange Program (ETCEP)
School fundraising program through which schools can exchange empty laser and inkjet printer cartridges donated from their communities for new computers and peripherals.

Universal Service Administration Company: Schools and Libraries Division
Provides affordable access to telecommunications services for all eligible schools and libraries in the United States.